The mission of the library media program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information. Additionally, to provide the learning community with the opportunity to become life-long readers and learners.
The library media program will provide resources in all formats that meet the curricular needs as well as the diverse interests of the learning community in a student-centered environment. The library media program as well as the librarian will be an integral part of the students' learning experience and academic achievement.
The library media program will:
Create a safe and comfortable learning environment for students, staff, and the learning community.
Be a partner with classroom teachers to provide students with authentic learning opportunities
Develop a collection that promotes student interests and supports the curriculum
Provide students and staff with instruction that will allow them to effectively utilize technology
Be open to meet the needs of students, teachers, parents, and administration
NBES Library Circulation Policies
Grades K-1: Students select 1 book every week
Grades 2-5: Students select 2 books every 2 weeks
All students:
- New books may only be selected if no books are overdue
- Lost/damaged books must be paid for before new books may be borrowed
- Students must have school ID to check out books
- Books must be in student's possession to be renewed
Accelerated Reader is a web-based reading program used in grades 1-5 in the elementary school. This program helps motivate and monitor students' reading performance. Visit AR Bookfinder to search for Accelerated Reader Books (see Library Links)
Educational games and activities for elementary students
Searching for Accelerated Reader books is fun and easy with this free online tool.
Use this kid-friendly search engine to find safe and appropriate websites.
Available from the Beaver County Library System
Destiny (previously Lion Cat)
Check out the library catalog anywhere you have Internet access. Search for a book by Keyword, Title, Author, Subject, or Series. Additional instruction for using Destiny will be given during library classes.
*if you're using the link from home you will receive a security certificate. Proceed anyway. This will take you to the external link.